When you can’t find the sunshine, be the ray of hope for everyone you meet in life/work. Be the SUNSHINE
As sunlight makes the world come alive, so have a day filled with sunshine, and be the sunshine for someone.
Being the sunshine means being permanently happy and abundant. When the life is shining with health and happiness, such people are more pleasant to work with, more open to new ideas and more productive in every sphere.
Always look at the sunny side of the things. Be Positive and live, laugh, love and lead your life.
GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst
How to be the sunshine for others?
- Smile a day keeps the negativity away! It’s really simple, but very effective! Keep smiling and pass it on, even to strangers. They might need the trigger to change. Be the ray of hope for them.
- Be around positive people, encourage others to nurture the positive thoughts and cultivate positive, happier mindset
- Be free and optimistic to life. By connecting to our own bliss and abundance point we can all brighten up someone else’s life!
- Express Gratitude regularly. An Attitude of Gratitude is a mindset and a lifestyle choice that can change your whole life
Don’t let the shadow of yesterday, spoils the sunshine of tomorrow, live for today. Be fully present in every moment.
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