Be United | Happiness Tip #99

Be United | Happiness Tip #99 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life and Work. Know and learn more at HAPPIER INDIA.
Be United | Happiness Tip #99 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life and Work. Know and learn more at HAPPIER INDIA.

There is a charm and uniqueness along with power when we unite Head, Heart and Hands with our ‘Self’. The United Being attracts infinite abundance and happiness from everything, everyone, every time. Time is now to Be United with Higher Universal Energy and to become the Universal Human Magnate.

United communities and societies expands exponentially. As the proverb says that ” United we stand, divided we fall; Union is strength.

Unite Your Thoughts, Feelings and Actions first. Be ONE inside out and start living, laughing, loving and leading life. Be the United ONE.

How to stay united in life?

Only humility will lead us to unity and unity alone will lead us all to create happier and peaceful world.

At workplace also, the team showing unity and working for a well defined purpose, doing meaningful things collaboratively, outshines and achieve higher productivity, performance and satisfaction from there efforts. Always remember that the united team never get defeated.

In family also, when we are united we create happier ecosystem, live meaningful life and flourish collectively. Wise people suggest that a family doesn’t have to be perfect, but united to live blissfully.

As Helen Keller also said that “Alone we can do so little; together we can achieve so much.” We can move mountains when we are congruent and/or united with like-minded, like-hearted people, working selflessly for a bigger cause with an innate essence of one for all and all for one motto.

Unity in Diversity : As India reflects the vivid cultural, socio-economical diversity but the Indians, United as ONE have the unlimited power and strength to be VishaGuru. Similarly when professionals and social leaders work as a connected tribe, the society, the community and the nation flourish.

Be United. Be united with Happier India and work creatively to occupy the proud position of Happier Homes, Happier Society, Happier Workplace, Happier Nation and to occupy the proud position of yore among the greatest and golden civilization of the world.

GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst

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