Be the Quest | Happiness Tip #69

Be the Quest | Happiness Tip#69 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life and work. Know and learn more at HAPPIER INDIA
Be the Quest | Happiness Tip#69 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life and work. Know and learn more at HAPPIER INDIA

Be the Quest itself, to discover the ultimate truth about your true self. Finding oneself is the ultimate quest of life. #BeYou

GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst

A quest is all about seeking something important, and it often involves a journey.

The quest consists of five things – the 5Ps: 

  1. the person – a quest(er),
  2. the place – destination (point) to go,
  3. the passion- plus a stated reason to go there,
  4. the preparation – getting ready for challenges and learning en route, and
  5. the purpose – a true reason to go there.

While the world is running endlessly to fulfill the quest for money, status, power, equanimity, justice and what not – some also get on to the quest to find happiness, but forget to focus on the ultimate quest – quest to embark on a mission to find your true ‘Self’ and the Source of all that is.

Take the Inner Journey – a journey made in search of your self, your true ‘Self’ – The Source.

Raise your QUEST and seek the way to find or do some efforts, to find the answers for critical and important questions of your true identity:

  • Who / What Am I?
  • Why Am I here on earth?

The greatest quest start initially to find your true potential and to explore the potential possibilities in life/work. But eventually the conscious being seek the answers of above questions first and in the process discover their abundance, happiness and BLISS – the Source of everything.

To begin is the most important part of any QUEST and by far the most courageous.


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