A meaningful life is not being wealthy, being powerful, being highly educated, or being popular or being perfect. It’s about being true to yourself, being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves, our skills, our knowledge, our resources to touch the lives of others.
Meaningful living is when we know our PURPOSE of Life and live/work to achieve it with our true PASSION.
How to Live a Meaningful Life?
- Explore your PASSION first and nurture it, follow it.
- Find your True ‘Self’. Be Self-Aware and live a conscious, congruent life.
- Know the Real Purpose of your life, your presence here on earth. Take active steps to complete it.
- Be a lifelong learner. Embrace newness, be open to change and adapt new skills, new knowledge and new findings.
- Accept and Love all unconditionally. Engage with others for their benefits. Help them and encourage them to grow personally and sustain life professionally.
- Give quality time to your relations, your friends, your community, your nation, your planet and your eternal source – The Source of Abundance and Happiness for meaningful life.
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