Be Keen | Happiness Tip #89

Be Keen | Happiness Tip #89 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life & Work. Know and Learn more at HAPPIER INDIA
Be Keen | Happiness Tip #89 to Spark Permanent Happiness in Life & Work. Know an Learn more at HAPPIER INDIA

We describe someone as KEEN, means that they have an enthusiastic nature and are curiously interested in everything that they do. It also represent higher level of energy and engagement during the process. They show deep interest and eagerness for particular activity and usually enjoy doing any thing during the work.

Our keenness indicate that there is lot of enthusiasm for a particular activity and we are ready to spend a lot of time doing it. If you are keen on something, you like it a lot, ask questions to know more and are very enthusiastic to learn new ways about it. That’s the first indicator for exploring our PASSION for that type of task or work.

Be Curiously Keen to know, learn and understand the subtle elements of life. Your keen observation and awareness will help you to understand things, people, situations easily and effectively.

GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst

How to stay keen for Happier Growth?

If you have a keen interest in something, you are really, really into it. It describes something that makes you intense, sharp, or focused.

At workplace, we can’t complete the task perfectly, unless we are keen on doing that task. Your keenness reflects your eagerness, your want and curiosity in doing that task. The keen spirit seizes all the opportunities and grow continuously in all domains of life.

Being a keen observer, we show pure interest to accept and acknowledge the facts about others. We become more empathetic and kind to others. Hence our keenness help us to make clear choice and decide for good for all. This makes us an effective leader in life/work.

Compassion is the keen awareness of interdependence of all things.

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