The essence of happier life/work is to live and lead life creatively. Become the Co-Creator for Happier India
GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst
True Creativity is not an Art or a Skill. It is your true nature, your essence and Being Creative is the Awesome way to live life.
Creative Beings see what others fail to see/observe. Creative Minds think happier thoughts, Creative Heart feel positive vibrations easily and Creative Hands (Artists, Craftsmen, Writers, Designers, Co-Creators) work joyfully to create masterpieces for benefit of others, by expressing their intentions and skills through them.
True Creativeness reflects the simplicity of things, its ease of usage and the joy of using it.
How to Be Creative in Life/Work?
To Be Creative lose the fear of being wrong. There is no innovation/invention or creativity without failure.
Break the Patterns. Creativity lies in newness. Look at things differently, and find something new in it.
Just Be available in the present moments, Create some space for newness. let the higher self (creative you) fill it.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which one to keep. ~ Scott Adams
By Being Creative you simply connect the (available) dots in different way – a new happier way, to make things joyful, easier, useful while enhancing its uniqueness.
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