Abundant Life is about being versatile and in continuous alignment with existence. The harmony of all domains of life is achieved by unified nurturing and balancing physical, mental, emotional, social, financial, occupational, environmental, spiritual and happiness quotients.
The roots of all dimensions origins at the centre point – the bliss point which is the source of all that is. When we connect permanently to that central point we become abundant. The Happiness Happens and we experience and express life by being bliss itself.
The journey from fear driven and scarcity based mindset for living a peripheral lifestyle to the positive growth driven abundant mindset for living, laughing, loving, and leading amazingly awesome life with a healthier, happier harmonious lifestyle is what we called ‘The Abundance Journey”. The fulfillment and accomplishment of the life’s goal is marked by gradual and connected steps by step experiential process of self-awareness to self-attainment.
How to become Abundantly Happier in Life/work?
When we connect and stabilize on the Inner Source, the Bliss Point, we become Abundantly Happier – the Blissful Happier Beings. We become ‘The HAPPIONS‘ (the happy ion ) which forms the foundational element for transforming the ordinary life to the extra-ordinary life, the AHhaLife!
Be in flow, and formless, shapeless, like pure water. If you put water in any vessel, it takes the shape of the vessel, be it a cup, or a bottle or any irregular shape. It flows in it and becomes that. Though it stays calm and quiet, quick to change directions, but contains the potential energy and possibility to crash and make its own path. Be like Water – the source of abundant energy and potential possibilities.
Know, Learn, Understand and Apply the 101 Happiness Tips to Become Who You Are – the Real You – the True You and unleash your hidden potential possibilities by connecting to that versatile source – the BLISS
Shift from fear driven, scarcity based fixed mindset to growth driven happiness based Abundant Mindset and grow exponentially in personal and professional life.
Let’s join head, heart and hands for celebrating Year 2022 as “Year of Abundance and Permanent Happiness” and for Being Bliss | “Smaridh Jeevan – समृद्ध जीवन”
Become the part of HAPPIONS at Happier India and start your Abundance Journey for Being Bliss.
We wish you Infinite Abundance and Unlimited Happiness in Life and Workplace too. We also wish you a Very Very Joyful & Eventful Healthier Happier Prosperous New Year 2022
Gopi Krishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst & The Source, CircleX.in
“SMARIDH 2022” | समृद्ध 2022
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