Shunya is that absolute point (zero), the un-manifested source of all sources, from which springs the entire existence. It is the origin of all sparks of consciousness and the point where all sparks merges in ONE. Be Absolute One with that SHUNYA. 🙂
GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst
In philosophy, the Absolute is the term used for the ultimate one or most supreme being, usually conceived as either encompassing “the sum of all being, actual and potential“, or otherwise transcending the concept of “being” altogether. Be the Absolute ONE ‘SHUNYA‘.
So powerful is the united light radiating from within, that it can illuminate the whole universe. Be one with that Shunya, the ultimate source. Be You
Keep every possible effort to stay united and being one with your own Shunya and merge with it permanently. That’s the BLISS – the centre point of all that is existing. That’s true liberation and the ultimate goal, the real purpose of life.
In simple terms if we cut a seed what we see inside it. Just nothing. But a farmer knows the qualitative attributes and put that seed in soil during the right season and nurture it appropriately, and get a beautiful plant with potential to give unlimited flowers, fruits, shades, wood and living space for creatures, an so on.
If we transcend the worldly limits or the mental boundaries, we can see the complete jungle in that seed. That’s the true potential possibilities of every human being. Nothingness with potential power to become everything.
We simply need to plant our intentions at the right time, in the right environment and nurture it regularly like a farmer. remove what is not required and support what is essential for it. We then unleash the un-manifested energy and manifest amazingly awesome life – the source for infinite Abundance and unlimited Happiness – The BLISS
What is Shunya?
SHUNYA is a state of Nothingness, Emptiness, and the expression (an attempt) of that which is inexpressible! Difficult to define but possible to experience that which is beyond duality, which is the source of all existence, infinite and maight be beyond infinity.
Experiences suggests that it is neither void, nor complete. It is the ultimate source of all that changes, but still absolute and never changes. The eternal truth and the permanent source for Supreme Happiness – the BLISS.
This ultimate realization happens in a moment. It is the kairos – the momentary opening between the understanding that “I am nothing” yet “I am everything”, and between these two coordinates my life flows. That is what we refer as the Abundance Journey of Being Bliss.
Be the BLISS. Be One with the Shunya. Be One Shunya
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The Shunya, though is neutral naturally, but has that ultimate power that it multiplies the value of any element which is place in front of it. It simply quantifies the entity with which it is unified, whether positive or negative. As zero when paired with -1, it equals -10; when placed with +1, it equals +10.
Be that ONE Shunya and Be the BLISS. Till then, Be Happy and Spread Happiness to all
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