Journalism is considered to be an ability to meet the challenge of filling the GAP for society and nations’s growth. However, in the materialistic world the rate race for revenue and more readership demands pushes the scarcity driven fixed mindset. The media persons and journalists usually report the negative instances highlighting the fear based news and events. This directly or indirectly influence the masses, impact their minds to react or shrink their minds.
A Journalist is defined by Karl Kraus as a person without any idea but with an ability to express them. Journalist is a writer whose skill is improved by deadlines; the more he has, the worse he writes.
At Happier India we suggest that Happiness Journalist stay focused on the Positive Aspect of any event or situation. The joyful reporting highlights the new learning and spread the hidden happier message for community growth.
Be a Happiness Journalist and express to convey your abundance and happier moments through optimistic reporting and help people to respond appropriately. Now your Joyful Expression – written thoughts and memories or images of happier moments become an instrument for positive growth & development instead of fear and destruction.
The Happiness Journalist act as a Happiness Catalyst and an Abundance Accelerator for Spreading Happiness to all.
How to Be a Happiness Journalist?
Be an Abundance & Happiness Journalist. Focus on love, joy, peace, kindness and good things/people in Life and at Workplace. See Positive News and happily report it to all. Be Happy and Spread Happiness by becoming a Positive New Reporter.
GopiKrishan Bali, Chief Happiness Catalyst
For Shifting the Focus to Positive Aspects of Life Start with maintaining / writing your Gratitude Journal.
You can also share your Happiness Moments, Pics and Happier News here 🙂
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