The Happier India, CircleX & ACE 3HS MISSION HAPPINESS Presents AHM2021 Happier Moments Photography Competition. Let’s Start Capturing the AHha! Happier Moments of Life & Work and SHARE it for AHM2021 Photo Awards
First AHM2021 AHHALIFE! HAPPIER Photo Awards
On the occasion of World Photography Day 2021 (Thursday 19th August 2021) The Happier India Team is excited to announce the First AHM2021 Photo Awards for capturing the pure Happier Moments of Life, Work and Nature (Oneness)
HAPPINESS is Abundantly Present in the Present Moment. Those who THINK & FEEL that Happiness is Always Present Everywhere – Everytime and for Everyone unconditionally Time is to ACT and All we need is to SHIFT our FOCUS and Start Observing it, Capturing it, Sharing it and Amplifying it in the process i.e AHhaLife!
TIME is NOW to CLICK & CAPTURE those awesome, beautiful, joyful and PURE MOMENTS – the AHha! Happier Moments @Life, @Work @Society @Nature to BE HAPPY ourselves and SHARE it with others to Spread Happiness.
AHM2021 AHHaLife! Happier Photography Competition Entries and Submissions Calendar
Competition Entries Submission Starts from 1st October 2021 and Submission Ends on 31st October 2021
CONNECT WITH ABUNDANCE & HAPPINESS for MEANINGFUL LIFE for Becoming Happier India Associates, Happiness Partners and to Sponsor the AHM2021 AHhaLife! Happier Moments Photography Competition.
The AHM2021 Competition Categories
Category-A: AHhaLife! Moments
Show us Awesome Happier AHha Moments – The Happier Life Moments, Happier People, Scene, social gatherings, festivals, traditions, dance, events, wedding, sports and everything when the people celebrate life in their joyful, happier lifestyle including traditions, customs, cultures which you encounter on travels, holidays around the world, share what you saw and that connects to the Happiness@Life
Category-B: AHhaWork Moments
Show us the Amazing Abundant & Magnificent Workplace Happiness Moments. Include the moments of satisfaction, contentment, completion and celebration of success and moments of Happiness@Workplace
Category-C: AHha!!! Happiness Moments
Show AHha! Oneness (Awe!!!) Moments – no limit to the imagination, color or monochrome, various image related to Arts, Crafts, Artisan’s Creation, Nature, Natural Habitat, or any mix of art, digital or physical form. Anything which induced goosebumps and dropped jaws, awe experiences and instantaneously connects to the Abundance & Happiness in the present moment.
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